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5 quick tricks for beautiful hair - a guide for the lazy and busy

1. Mask / conditioner before washing

f you cannot spend more time in the bathroom and still want to take care of your hair, try applying a conditioner / mask before washing. the hair is protected against the negative effects of the shampoo. The conditioner / mask / oil can be applied to the entire hair - rather we will not weigh it down. However, if your hair becomes greasy quickly, for safety, apply the product from the middle of the hair length or to the ends.

2. Spray conditioner - a quick way to nourish the hair

It is the perfect solution for busy people. All it takes is a few sprays and that's it. The entire process takes 5-10 seconds.

3. Filter

Many of us have found out that hair looks different when we wash it in different places. It is influenced by the hardness of the water. The softer the water, the better our hair looks. The simplest solution is to use a special filter that is mounted on the water pipes.

4. Nettle / horsetail tea

Most of us drink tea or coffee. We can replace this habit with drinking herbal teas. Horsetail and nettle contain a lot of vitamins and elements, incl. vitamins A, K, B2, C, calcium, iron, potassium, iodine, silicon, manganese, selenium. However, be careful not to overdo it with the amount of tea drunk, because these herbs like to wash out B vitamins - 2 cups a day of such a drink should be enough. Thanks to this, we will strengthen the hair, reduce hair loss, grease and accelerate its growth.

5. Rinse your hair with cool water

This method will close the cuticles and smooth the hair. As a result, they will not frizz so much, will become smooth, shiny and will be much easier to comb. You just need to use cool water (not cold) for the final rinse.

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